small GROUPS
Life is better in small groups. Church life doesn't just happen on Sunday mornings, but all throughout the week. It is in our Small Groups that we grow through discipleship and build deeper community with each other.
Groups launching in Sept.
Sign up for groups in our app HERE
Small group
with Pastor Matt &
Stacy Butschek
2nd & 4th Sunday's 6-730p
Join us for a group focused on food, fellowship, and the Word
2nd Sunday's
at the Smothers' house
1303 Foxtree Trail; Apopka
4th Sunday's
at the Butchek's house
1552 Foxden Road; Apopka
For more info, text
Matt at 407-948-2612
Men's group
with Steven Grubb
1st & 3rd Friday's 7-830p
Partner together as men to dive more into what it means to experience God and how much that can impact not only your life, but your marriage, family, and relationships.​
553 Jasmine Bloom Dr; Apopka
Order the book
Experiencing God HERE
For more info, text
Steven at 407-209-9991
women's group
with Carrie Schuessler
Saturday's 930am
Studying the Bible, whether you've been a Christian 3 days or 30 years, can be intimidating. We're going to learn a simple 5-step approach that will help us study God's Word effectively and productively.​
Canon Coffee in Apopka
Order the book
Women of the Word HERE
For more info, text
Carrie at 407-920-2397
parenting group
with Pastor Adam & Angela Shaw
1st & 3rd Sunday's 630-8p
What if we discipled our kids following the model Jesus used with His disciples? We will discuss intentional discipleship within the family unit while exploring what we can learn from Jesus' example and put that into practice with our children.​
Order the book Disciple Them Like Jesus HERE
2421 Haskill Hill Rd; Apopka
For more info, text
Adam at 407-712-3568
young adults group
with John & Faith Lambert
2nd & 4th Thursday's 7p​
Join for dinner and discussion on various topics from Scripture and the issues and questions young adults face.​
622 Plumwood Dr; Altamonte Springs
For more info, text
John at 407-928-7560