Freedom Weekend
Freedom Weekend | Oct 25-26 Join us for a weekend dedicated to exposing the lies of the enemy and exposing the truth about God and yourself, so that you can live the abundant life Jesus died to give to you, be who God called you to be, and find your place in His Kingdom.
We want you to walk in all of the FREEDOM that God has for you. Along the way, as life happens, choices are made, and the enemy’s attacks, we can get caught up in snares and not even know it. Things like fear, distractions, insecurities, family issues, financial strain, or feeling like you don’t belong can hold us back. This weekend is a time to break free of the things holding you back so you can walk forward into ALL that God has for you.
The weekend will focus on:
—the past (bondage and emotional hurt)
—the present (practical help in dealing with current life issues)
—the future (God’s plan for your life)
Freedom Weekend | Oct 25-26
5:30pm Registration
6:00pm Dinner
6:45pm Sessions, Ministry Time, Small Groups
10:45pm Dismiss
8:00am Light Breakfast
8:50am Sessions, Ministry Time, Small Groups
12:30pm Lunch
1:45pm Sessions, Ministry Time, Small Groups
6:00pm Dinner
7:00pm Session, Ministry Time
9:00pm Dismiss
*Childcare will not be provided.
Who can attend: This weekend is for adults, but we would also like to invite high school seniors (12th grade) to attend as well.
Cost: $25 per person (includes 4 meals plus all printed material)
Registration: Register on our app. You can find out how to download it HERE.
Whether you are attending as a new believer or as a mature Christian seeking more intimacy with God, this Freedom Weekend is a great investment in your relationship with God. Come experience all that God has for you.